As campaign season kicks into high gear, social networks are getting extra social with politicians. Here are some good stories about this trend: The Associated Press offered a look at how […] Original post by jambai

YouTube is somewhat like broadcast television: its broadcasting format is not specifically designed to be saved by the viewer.  Instead: by using a specialized third party service (much like a […] Original post by jambai

FML is ‘F*ck My Life’, a humorous expression of despair. First appearing in 2008, and growing to immense popularity in 2011, FML is used in text messaging and online […] Original post by jambai

Twitter’s mobile usage rate is up sharply in the wake of its integration with Apple’s mobile operating system. Twitter’s chief executive, Dick Costolo, told attendees at the Web 2.0 […] Original post by jambai

About 78 percent of burglars are using social media tools like Twitter and Facebook to identify empty houses, according to a new study conducted in the United Kingdom. The study […] Original post by mtwiscool

Klout, a service that attempts to measure people’s influence in social media, triggered a firestorm of criticism after it revamped its formula for scoring social standing last week. Klout scores individuals […] Original post by mtwiscool

So, you’re participating in an online discussion forum about immigration law, and you keep seeing this weird expression “QFT“. People post up phrases like “QFT, +1!” and “Aethien QFT!”. […] Original post by