Yahoo made it official today: It is buying micro-blogging service Tumblr for an eye-opening price of $1.1 billion. Some Tumblr users already are threatening to leave, and opinions among […] Original post by Dave Young

Fans Write Fiction for Kindle Worlds Amazon announced a new publishing platform called Kindle Worlds that will sell digital fan-fiction, which is material written by fans but based on […] Original post by Dave Young

Twitter announced a new video advertising program today called Twitter Amplify that is designed to synchronize promotions on TV with promotions via tweets. The new TV ad-targeting product seems kind […] Original post by Dave Young

Facebook announced today it is adding a verification feature for pages and profiles on its sprawling network. The feature will add little blue check marks or “badges” next to the […] Original post by Dave Young

Twitter announces new lists in a tweet Twitter this week lifted its limit on the number of lists each user can create and maintain, a welcome change indeed. Until […] Original post by Dave Young

Highlights in social medialand this week: Introducing the “Pier to Pier” Boat Network A startup called Boatbound is trying to do for boat rentals what sites like HomeAway and Airbnb do […] Original post by Dave Young

Facebook came late to the hashtag party, but it’s here. The world’s largest social network today started rolling out a feature allowing people to place the # sign in front of […] Original post by Dave Young