Two More Ad-free No-cost Hosting Plans

I try to include reliable free hosting services that do not put advertisements on their members’ web sites, and I have listed the best in the first sticky post (above) and on the sidebar. When a host proves itself unreliable or peevish and immature, I note its personality change here in this blog. If a host’s policy/TOS changes, I note that here, too.

Recently, I discovered two more attractive free packages:

1) – the x10Static package, which gives you 100 mb of diskspace, 3 gb of bandwidth, 1 e-mail account, 2 subdomains, PHP, PERL, cPanel, but NO database;

2) – 1 GIG of free ftp space, unlimited bandwidth, PHP, PERL, ASP, one MYSQL database; “No ads will be added to your site without express permission.”