Run By The Immature?
Any election run on a technical platform rationalized as something called “The Wisdom of Crowds” would attract the public scorn of every newspaper in the world. In the United States, the American Civil Liberties Union (the ACLU) would assist in the prosecution of any organization that utilized the so-called wisdom of crowds as the basis of goverment and democratic representation. Yes, it seems that’s,’s, and’s minions (aka editors) are made from identical pots of suspect stew. See
The wisdom of crowds does not exist.
There is no such thing as the wisdom of crowds (compare this to’s “What is the ‘Flag'” button?) – people belong to groups and hang together as groups: age groups, political groups, national groups, Internet groups, [gangs, bullies, fools, and conspirators], to mention a few. Individuals are constantly influenced by their respective groups and the media produced by those groups and therefore do not make independent decisions. And when the data are suspect (as is often the case in field studies of society at large), statistics are fruitless.