New PHP Script Directory Needs Paid Affiliates
If you directly refer other webmasters to us, you will earn 10% of all what they earn. We pay you $1 bonus for every direct referral. If this affiliate also refers other webmasters to us, you will earn another 5% on all their earnings again. and so on… 5% on all earnings, on 4 further levels.
Get in quick and build your downline. Resellers Wanted — Best PHP Scripts — click here
50% Commission on all sales — 5 Referral levels earn for you.
Affordable or free scripts only.
There are already a lot of sites that offers scripts around, but we are different!
Most of our scripts are designed to give you a turnkey website – easy to install and highly profitable. We will never offer 1000´s of scripts – because there is only a handfull that works for “normal” users. And we will never send you to any strange websites – all downloads are from our own servers. No need for you to click around the authors website to find the download link. No worry to grab a virus on any site, all our scripts are free of viruses and trojans.Why should you download, install and test 100´s of different scripts if there is only one usable? You don´t need to do this anymore – we do it for you!!!
We will permanently test and release new scripts for you.
50% Commission on all sales — 5 Referral levels earn for you.
Original post by David Ledbetter