cPanel or Plesk?

cPanel or Plesk? When purchasing a web hosting account you are forced to make several decisions, one of which is what control panel will be the easiest and most productive for you. There are numerous control panels available, but the majority of hosting services offer either cPanel or Plesk. Here is a comparison of the two that should be helpful when making your decision.
In basic features, both cPanel and Plesk offer about the same. You can create, edit and manage email accounts, as well as maintain your domains or sub-domains from them. You can also upload and manage the files on your account from either. For many users, these basic capabilities are all that will be required in a control panel.
Both cPanel and Plesk provide a graphical user interface to work from, though it is generally agreed upon that cPanel has the more user friendly layout. The Plesk interface can […]

Original post by Open Source Applications Foundation Blog