What to choose: Free or Paid Web Hosting

What to choose: Free or Paid Web HostingWhen choosing a web host provider, one first has to determine if they wish to use a paid or free hosting service. There are plenty of both available. Before even examining the differences between paid or free hosting, it should be understood that if you have plans for your web site to be anything more than a personal "About Me" or "My Hobby" site to share with your friends–a free hosting service should be out of the question.
In short, providing free hosting services isn’t a very sustainable business model and the majority of those who attempt it fail, often disappearing overnight and leaving all of their users stuck with no web sites, and worse yet, no access to the files they had on their free hosting accounts.
Reliable web hosting depends upon quality hardware along with trained customer care and support technicians. Obviously, a […]

Original post by Open Source Applications Foundation Blog