Firefox 3 Beta 5 for Developers

Firefox 3 Beta 5 for DevelopersThe Mozilla organization ( just released the fifth beta version of Firefox 3, the latest interation of its open-source browser, for Windows and Mac, adding a variety of ease-of-use improvements to the software.
The beta is a public review release intended for testing by developers and to invite community feedback. The beta includes 750 changes from the previous release (beta 4), with a focus on improving performance, memory usage and speed.
Beta 5 reportedly offers improved integration with Windows, Mac and Linux. In the case of Windows, users will see improved icons and native user interface elements in the browser. The Mac version, too, will use familiar native OS X elements in its toolbars, icons and other items. The new beta also includes new items for downloading, and controls for moving between Web pages.
This instance also includes improvements to its JavaScript engine and optimizations around the speed […]

Original post by Open Source Applications Foundation Blog