Add Photos To Your MySpace “About Me”
Photos are the cornerstone of a good website. Think about it, if you went to someone’s personal website and they didn’t have any photos, would you stay, or would you… Original post by SitePoint Blogs
Photos are the cornerstone of a good website. Think about it, if you went to someone’s personal website and they didn’t have any photos, would you stay, or would you… Original post by SitePoint Blogs
Serious Internet computer users are sometimes known as “leet” users. With terminology that blends gaming with hacking and with daily Internet use, the leet world uses jargon that is rather… Original post by SitePoint Blogs
You’ve just downloaded an .avi or .mpg movie from the Internet. You double-click to launch it, but all you get is sound with no picture. Your media player lets you… Original post by SitePoint Blogs
Fakebooking is a phenomenom that is affecting some of your favorite celebrities. Fakebooking became big news when Kate Winslet and Angelina Jolie got into a big fight on Facebook, well,… Original post by SitePoint Blogs
Keep up with all your friends using MySpace IM. Find out how you can add a MySpace IM button right to your MySpace profile or personal website so you can… Original post by SitePoint Blogs
Date: February 22nd, 2009 08:06 PM – =Cappie= – Need some things to start a Cod4 Clan Post: Yeah man im bored so i thought to start a cod4 clan hahahaa :cadrunk: I need a server, Vent, Or website. I …
Dev Shed Forums – Need some things to start a Cod4 Clan Read more »
Yes, Instant Messaging is a special type of internet chat. Unlike traditional chat, though, where groups of strangers send group broadcasts, IM is between two individuals who selectively find each… Original post by SitePoint Blogs
There’s a worm on Facebook posing as a Facebook application. It’s called the Error Check System and what it’s supposed to do it notify you when your friends get an… Original post by SitePoint Blogs
Lent is a Christian tradition that takes place for 40 days somewhere before Easter and starts on Ash Wednesday. For thousands of years people have given up something in their… Original post by SitePoint Blogs
Date: February 21st, 2009 12:36 PM – half-e – Public Ventrilo FREE Channels Post: IP: PORT: 5088 ask an admin for a private channel, or use the public rooms… Original post by Efil
window.document.getElementById(‘post-3021’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;Date: February 21st, 2009 12:17 PM – shazzle – Ts Needed :d Post: Is there maybe someone who can give me a teamspeak server? there dont have to be many slots. 12 is actually enough. Plz one …
Date: February 21st, 2009 12:11 PM – shazzle – Sponsor and no sponsor Post: Hello, Im a cod2 player, and I have pro team New team, we won every match we played yet. Now Im searching for a sponsor who …
In order to search the Web more effectively, there are a few basic skills that you need to learn to make your searches successful. These skills are all very quick… Original post by SitePoint Blogs
ince May 2008 Facebook has been busy deleting sex offenders from it’s ranks. So far they claim to have deleted the profiles of nearly 6,000 sex offenders, up to the… Original post by SitePoint Blogs
I belong to several blog groups on myspace. I had a list that I could see them all and click on but it has disappeared. No matter what I do… Original post by SitePoint Blogs