Be happy. Buy low, sell high
The paradise of St. Thomas is part of the U.S. Virgin Islands, a civilized and unincorporated territory of the United States of America. St. Thomas is known for its expensive vacation homes, many of which are owned by the rich and famous. But don’t dismiss the place as too rich for you. Right now is a very good time to buy St. Thomas Real Estate. In fact this recession is a good time to buy real estate anywhere in the world. However, if you consider the massive numbers of Baby Boomers getting ready to retire, then yuo will realize that retirement and vacation areas will commmand a premium price in the near future. This means that if you buy in now, you should be able to sell or rent to all these upcoming retirees in the very near future.
I know for a fact that this upcoming generation of retirees is looking for sunny, happy, warm spots where they can maintain an active life style. So what could be better than St. Thomas. It has all the activities (golfing, swimming, boating, hiking, dancing) and all the exotic attributes one might wish for, while still remaining part of the United States.
Be happy. Buy low and sell high.