The Top Ten Paid Hosts

We all need web hosting sooner or later, that is, if you are keeping up with this world. I mean who isn’t wired these days and who isn’t advertising one thing or another. If you are going online with your business, or your blog or with a personal web site (or maybe you want to experiment with the World Wide Web, and that is all for now) then you want good, reliable, reasonably priced web hosting. can help you decide whether you need a small personal hosting plan or a large business plan with plenty of diskspace and bandwidth. presents you with lots of choices and reviews the top hosts. It’s an excellent place to start your search.

The homepage presents the top ten hosts, and tells you what they offer: hosts like Bluehost and, and 1&1, GoDaddy, and Yahoo. Most of these hosts offer you a free domain and virtually “unlimited” diskspace. They start at about $3.95 a month and promise at least a 99.8% uptime. As the top ten, you can bet they are reliable and competitively priced.

Take a look at You will find the information at your very fingertips. Don’t wait. Find out what you need to know now.