About.com is looking for freelance writers!

The About.com Contributing Writers program was created to help us cover topics that may not be broad enough for a full GuideSite. Contributing Writers work alongside our Guides, covering specific subtopics that fall within the larger topic areas of our GuideSites. They are responsible for producing a certain amount of content (articles or blog posts) per month on that subtopic. They are not responsible for managing or maintaining a full GuideSite.
We are currently evaluating candidates to write on the following topics:

Playing and Coaching (About Football http://football.about.com)
Antique Furniture (About Antiques http://antiques.about.com)
Legal Issues (About Single Parents http://singleparents.about.com/)
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Scene (About Manhattan http://manhattan.about.com)
At-Risk Teens (About Teens http://parentingteens.about.com/)
XML (About HTML / Web Design http://webdesign.about.com/)
South Africa Travel (About Africa Travel http://goafrica.about.com)
Feminism in the 1960s and 1970s (About Women’s History http://womenshistory.about.com/)
Algebra (About Math http://math.about.com)
Medical/Surgical Information for Patients (About Back and Neck Pain http://backandneck.about.com)

If you are interested in applying for one of these positions or […]

Original post by Website Babble Webmaster Forums