UPDATE re. Blogexplosion

Sept. 2005 UPDATE: The owners are very immature and resort to gimmicks. They hope to give their advertisers an audience composed of young narcissists and political hacks. And they send out quite a bit of useless e-mail. In fact, Blogexplosion is just another phony. It’s just a crummy traffic/hit exchange full of opinionated garbage, propaganda, and scams. It’s a waste . . . your . . . time . . . land!!

The concept is very simple. You read other blog sites and they in return visit your blog. Blogexplosion is the internet’s first blog exchange where thousands of bloggers visit each other’s blogs in order to receive tons of blog traffic. . . . Note in order to buy advertising from Blog Explosion you must be a member. . . . 25,000 [30 second guaranteed visitors for] $130.00.

Also see, http://freepgs.com/ledbetter/wordpress/?p=55

Here is what my first page looked like on 18 August 2005: http://astonishing.memebot.com/weblog/.