window.document.getElementById(‘post-3021’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;Craigslist is the evolution of local classified ads: anyone can post free ads to sell their old sofas and used cars. But Craigslist is limited to a city-by-city search. That… Original post by Associated Content

Vanessa Van Petten of Radical Parenting said it best when she termed the phrase ‘cotton candy friends’ and talked about what a cotton candy friend is. To her a cotton… Original post by Associated Content

A few simple settings you can change on Facebook that actually may make your Facebook Wall a little more to your liking. Check out these Wall settings and see if… Original post by Associated Content

window.document.getElementById(‘post-3021’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;We’ve all heard of “hackers”, and seen sensationalized versions of them in movies. But what exactly is a modern-day computer hacker? And are they the same as “haxors”? Well, friends,… Original post by Associated Content

Resistance may be futile… Facebook is the social networking hub of choice for millions of Web users. If you want to keep in touch with your friends, relatives, and even… Original post by Associated Content

You have seen this peculiar term in online discussion groups. You have heard someone pronounce it as “poned” and “ponage”. You especially see it being used by online gamers. But what… Original post by Associated Content

window.document.getElementById(‘post-3021’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;Many of you know this too well: you’re enjoying a solid wi-fi network connection, when all of the sudden you lose the connection, right in the middle of an important… Original post by Associated Content

window.document.getElementById(‘post-3021’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;After posting the blog post telling about how Facebook is allowing third party advertisers to use your Facebook photos in ads on Facebook and explaining how you can prevent your… Original post by Associated Content

Yahoo! and Microsoft have danced around each other for years, often with hostile emotions. But in a bittersweet agreement, Microsoft has now acquired Yahoo! in a very expensive deal that… Original post by Associated Content

window.document.getElementById(‘post-3021’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;A “meme” is a virally-transmitted parable, story, or cultural symbol. In the digital age, memes travel like small wildfires, and are often infectious because of their humor and high curiousity value.  Memes… Original post by Associated Content