Loyal customers are the foundation of almost every business. Going the extra mile to provide outstanding customer service is the first step to customer loyalty. But there is more. Original post by submitnews@thewhir.com

This quick tutorial will show you how to upgrade your existing Apache installation to the latest version (2.2.0 as the time of writing this tutorial). Original post by submitnews@thewhir.com

What kind of companies are out there? What is your competition like if you are a web host? What to look for, if you are a customer looking for a web host? Original post by submitnews@thewhir.com

I recently invested quite some time into generating search engine friendly URLs for several of my websites to increase my ranking and to have more pages indexed. Original post by submitnews@thewhir.com

For a web hosting business the servers are pretty much the foundation of the business from a technical standpoint. If the servers go down the impact for the business can be severe. Original post by submitnews@thewhir.com

Shopping for a merchant account is a confusing and difficult process. And, unfortunately, many merchants do themselves not a big favor by going shopping without first understanding what they are really shopping for. Original post by submitnews@thewhir.com

Monitoring is a very important part of the web hosting business. We are not talking about monitoring log files or so. What we are talking about is monitoring services and uptime and what to do with the information. Original post …

Server Monitoring Read more »

Loyal customers are the foundation of almost every business. Going the extra mile to provide outstanding customer service is the first step to customer loyalty. But there is more.”> Original post by submitnews@thewhir.com (Web Hosting’s Premier Daily News)

I recently invested quite some time into generating search engine friendly URLs for several of my websites to increase my ranking and to have more pages indexed.”> Original post by submitnews@thewhir.com (Web Hosting’s Premier Daily News)